1st midterm examination (Tuesday Oct. 16, 2012)
Covers lectures 1-10, up to and including Sect. 3.6 in the
The midterm (closed books, no calculators, 2pp of notes allowed) will consist of
4-5 problems of the type included in the home assignments concerning discrete
and continuous-time signals, systems and their properties, continuous-time LTI
systems and their zero-input response, impulse response, zero-state response;
discrete-time LTI systems and their characteristic modes.
2nd midterm examination (Thursday November 15, 2012)
Covers lectures 1-17, up to and including Sect. 4.8 in the
The midterm (closed books, no calculators, 2pp of notes allowed) will consist of
4-5 problems of the type included in the home assignments concerning
the material covered by the first midterm plus
analysis of continuous-time systems using the unilateral
Laplace transform and frequency response of
continuous-time systems (lect 16-18).
Bode plots are not covered in this exam.
Final exam (Thursday December 13, 2012)
Covers lectures 1-25. Closed books, no calculators, 2pp of notes allowed.
Main topics:
Linear systems and their properties.
Unit impulse response of CT and DT systems.
Laplace transform and its applications for the analysis of systems and for
solution of linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
Frequency response of a continuous-time LTI system. Bode plots.
z-transform and its use for system analysis and for solution of linear
difference equations with constant coefficients.
Fourier series representation of periodic signals.
Fourier transform and its use for the analysis of signals.