Directions for Using the Class project template. 1. Copy this folder to your hard drive. Double-click on the copy of the folder. Select "Select All" from the Edit menu. Right-click on any one of the files and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu.Click on the "Read-only" box so that it is not checked and click OK. 2. Copy the graphic files (in jpg format) into the same folder. 3. Rename the graphics "p1.jpg", "p2.jpg", "p3.jpg", etc, in the order that they are to appear in the slide show. (If the graphics are not in JPG format, either use a graphics editor to change their format into JPG or change the graphic links on each html file to reflect the actual format of the graphics). 4. Edit the index page, "index.htm" in a text editor such as NotePad or SimpleText. Replace the upper-case placeholder text ("PAGE1", "PAGE2", etc) with your page titles. Save it. 5. Edit the title page, "title.htm" in a text editor such as NotePad or SimpleText. Replace the upper-case placeholder text with your own titles. Save it. 6. Open each of the numbered pages (e.g. page1.htm, page2.htm, etc) in a text editor such as NotePad or SimpleText. Replace the upper-case placeholder text with the title, sub-title, and mail text for each page. Save it. Repeat for each page. 7. To view the site, open "title.htm" in a Web browser. Click on "Index of Pages" to go to the index. Note: To add more pages to the site, simply go to the last page, select Edit with Notepad, and INCREASE EACH NUMBER ON THE PAGE BY 1 (for example, change 30 to 31, 29 to 30, 31 to 32, etc). Save the page with a filename that is one higher, e.g. if it was "page30.htm", save it as "page31.htm". Repeat for as many pages as you need. Finally, edit the index page (index.htm) to add an index entry for each additional page.