SKEWNESS Skewness. S = SKEWNESS(X) returns the sample skewness of the values in X. For a vector input, S is the third central moment of X, divided by the cube of its standard deviation. For a matrix input, S is a row vector containing the sample skewness of each column of X. For N-D arrays, SKEWNESS operates along the first non-singleton dimension. SKEWNESS(X,0) adjusts the skewness for bias. SKEWNESS(X,1) is the same as SKEWNESS(X), and does not adjust for bias. SKEWNESS(X,FLAG,DIM) takes the skewness along dimension DIM of X. SKEWNESS treats NaNs as missing values, and removes them. See also mean, moment, std, var, kurtosis. Reference page in Help browser doc skewness