Matlab/Octave demonstration that random noises add quadratically, meaning the square root of the sum of the squares, using the 'randn' (Random Normal) and 'std' (standard deviation) functions. The notation ">>" means the Matab command window prompt. Type what follows into your Matlab window. First, two create normally distributed random variables, y and z, each with 1,000,000 points, a mean value of zero, and an average standard deviation of 1.0. >> n=1000000; z=randn(1,n); y=randn(1,n); Then show that the standard deviation of y or z separately is very close to 1.0. >> std(z) ans = 1.0001 >> std(y) ans = 1.0000 Then show that the standard deviation of y+z is larger that 1.0, and is equal to the square root of 2. std(z+y) ans = 1.4141 >> sqrt(2) ans = 1.4142 Note: the larger the value of n, the closer the results come to the expected values. Alternatively, if y has twice the standard deviation of z: n=1000000; z=randn(1,n); y=2.*randn(1,n); Then, >> std(z) ans = 0.9998 >> std(y) ans = 2.0008 >> std(y+z) ans = 2.2352 which is the square root of 5, because 1^1 + 2^2 = 5 >> sqrt(5) ans = 2.2361