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Army Ants

By Bryant

I have chosen to do my insect report on army ants. I chose army ants because I wanted to research them. Army ants live in hot, wet areas. You can find them mostly in Africa and South America. They like to eat other insects such as crickets and grasshoppers. They also eat spiders. Together as a group they sting their prey. They use their sharp teeth to cut into their prey. Army ants do not have homes. They stay in different places every night. They stop and rest in places like logs, rocks or trees. They live above ground. Army ants are good for some people because they help take the bugs out of people's homes. Some people don't like army ants because they are pests. Army ants have six legs. They also have three main body parts. They are the head, thorax and abdomen. Ants can talk to each other by touching other ants' antennae. Antennae are used for touching, tasting and smelling.

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