"HyperCard is the tool I use to introduce my students to the Macintosh. One of the lessons I have developed involves teaching them how to tessellate using HyperCard's paint tools. If you have HyperCard on a Macintosh computer but you have no HyperCard experience, you may want to refer to HyperCard Tessellation Tips. Although I use HyperCard, it is possible to adapt the procedure outlined here to any application that has paint tools. For those of you with access to HyperStudio, with a few adaptations it is quite easy to tessellate in color! If you prefer to start in color, you may go directly to HyperStudio & Tessellations in Color."
Japanese Artist, Yoshiaki Araki
This site shows what a real artist does that takes the Escher and tesslations
idea seriously. Along with many very interesting and beautiful examples of
tesselation art, this Japanese artist gives you other links to travel. He actually
wrote to our kids to tell them how much he enjoyed their art work.
TesselMania!¨ Deluxe Product Demos Demo Information:
The TesselMania!¨ Deluxe: Making Tessellations Demo shows how you can use the product to easily make your own tessellations, and illustrates some of the differences between TesselMania! Deluxe and the original TesselMania!
The TesselMania!¨ Deluxe: Creating Projects Demo shows some of the projects you can
create using TesselMania! Deluxe.
The TesselMania!¨ Deluxe: Puzzles Demo shows how you can use TesselMania! Deluxe to make your own tessellation puzzles.
The TesselMania!¨ Demo is a working version of the original, disk based TesselMania! product. Saving and Printing are disabled. TesselMania! Deluxe has all the capabilites of this product, and many more!
MECC Home Page While you're at it, visit the MECC Home Page for more information and other downloadable demos. A nice way to try something before buying it.
The Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL)
This is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to improving the quality of education for all students. The
Laboratory provides technical assistance, research and evaluation support,
training, and information services under a variety of contractual agreements to
clients in all 50 states and 20 different countries. There are some very good web
pages on CMSP math.
Center for the Computation and Visualization of
Geometric Structures
About the Geometry Center:
The Geometry Center is a mathematics research and education center at the University of
Minnesota. It is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the Science and
Technology Center program. The Center has a unified mathematics computing
environment supporting math and computer science research, mathematical visualization,
software development, application development, video animation production, and K-16 math