Hi, I am Xin (Sheen) Zhang, this is my website at University of Maryland at College Park, now I am post doc research associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. This site is constructed to be a show case of my life and what I have done in this university.
My research is mostly involved with block copolymer self assembly and its applications, especially pattern transfer by Reactive-ion Etching, nanotemplated materials by block copolymer self assembly. I also do a lot of research on polymer nanocomposites, flammability and thermal stability of block copolymer. The characterization method I have been using include TEM, SEM, XRD, SAXS, DSC, DMA, DEA and etc.
The machine I am in charged of training and are microtoming and SAXS. For using of microtoming, please contact Dr. Kofinas. For use of SAXS, please contact Dr. Briber.
Microtoming training presentation
A presentation I made at group meeting about microtoming for materials and plymer application with the Leica UC6 ultramicrotome.
10nm wide silicon fins made from block copolymer self assembly and RIE
Very nice 10nm wide silicon fins from block copolymer self assembly and very simple one step SF6+C4F8 RIE. Much nicer than the two steps etching.

Pattern Transfer of self assembled pattern via RIE
With the new ICP etcher, pattern transfer is way easier than before.

Solvent miscibility
Teas plot of common solvents
Teas plot of common solvents used in industries. Can be used to determine properties of solvent mixtures and etc. Played an important role in my recent paper on Maromolecular Chemistry and Physics.
Calculate the TEM patterns with the drawing power of SVG.
A drawing of many FTIR absorption position and intensity that could help analyze the chemical structure of unknown compound.
Diblock copolymer structure

This is home work of ENMA 461, I drew several beautiful pictures. So I put them here. And maybe useful for other students.
This is a presentation I made in the course of ENMA 461, in this presentation, I showed how a Fermi-Dirac system transform into a Einstein system.
This is home work for ENMA 660. I calculated and drew 3-D pictures of the free energy of order-disorder transition. And then find its lowest path.
This partialy is home work of ENMA 660. It is a java applet, you can input data and click the button, then comes the phase diagram. It could draw the phase diagram with low consolute point now. It is slow, and more work need to be done. Anyway, it could do something.
This hobby project looks like the same one above, but due to the totally different background, it is actually an overhaul of the project above. I put much effort on this program. Unfortunately, maybe it is too hard, I have gained little result. However, those output we could get from this program is pretty interesting and challenging for me.