Mechanical Engineering
A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

Scholars scavenger hunt in Washington DC
I am a student studing engineering in the Scholars program at the University of Maryland. I have a passion for building cars and fixing things which is why I became a opperations assistant here at UMD. I am currently undecided with what I would like to do for a job when I am older. Mechanical engineering is perfect because there are so many branches that stem off of this degree. Hopefully I am setting myself up for sucess. I Hva ealways had interests in cars. I have built several so that is the field that I see my self in a few years.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery images for Washinton DC Scavengerhunt
- Expectations Vs. Reality
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links:
Check out my youtube channel