Robert Koulish’s C.V.


Robert Koulish, Ph.D.                                                          

  Work:                                                                                     Home: 207 Ridgemede Road

         Research Associate Professor                                                     Baltimore, MD 21210                                                                                   

         Department of Government and Politics 

         Director, MLAW Programs

         College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

         University of Maryland

         College Park, MD.,  20742

          & Lecturer at Law

         UMD Carey School of Law


            410 925-3894 (mobile)

            301 405-3175 (office)

            301 314-0398 (fax)




University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ph.D. (Political Science)

Dissertation Title: “Bordering on Chaos: Ad-hoc and Arbitrary Decision Making in the U.S. Immigration Bureaucracy

University of Wisconsin-Madison, M.A. (Political Science), Mills Fellowship

University of Pennsylvania, B.A.


Immigration and American Democracy: Subverting the Rule of Law (Routledge Press, 2010)  This book provides a critical examination of U.S. immigration control policy during the Bush Administration. It shows how immigration policy points the U.S. in anti-democratic directions.

Book manuscripts under contract

Political Ideologies (Pearson/Longman Education)

I am writing a political ideologies textbook that compares and contrasts “isms” in the modern western world. The book includes sections on liberalism, conservatism, fascism, Marxism, globalism, and radicalism. It includes: main ideas and figures, context, and policy applications for each system of thought.

             Immigration Detention, Risk and Human Rights: Studies on Immigration and Crime

             (Springer Press),  co-editor with Maria Joao Guia and Valsamis Mitsilegas.

Articles/ Book Chapters

  1. “Risking Change: Applying Risk Technologies  to Immigration Custody Determinations” (under review, Journal Law and Social Inquiry special immigration edition)

  2. “Entering the Risk Society: A Contested Terrain for Immigration Enforcement,” Social Control and Justice: Crimmigration in the Age of Fear, Lemma/Eleven Publishing (2012)

  3. Spiderman’s Web and the Governmentality of Electronic Immigrant Detention,”

        Journal of Law, Culture and the Humanities 1743872111433376, first published on February 13, 2012 as doi:10.1177/1743872111433376

  1. “The Privatization of Immigration Control,” in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader, (second edition) edited by Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, (NYU Press, 2010)

“Baby Boomers and the Death of Political Speech: An Unintended Consequence of Bono’s Red Campaign,” Pepperdine University School of Law's Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship & the Law (Spring, 2008).

“Blackwater and the Privatization of Immigration Control,” Saint Thomas Law Review (Spring, 2008)

“Profit, Plenary Powers and Militarization: A ‘Perfect Storm’ Scenario for Immigration
Control," 3 Journal Migration and Refugee Issues (No.4) (2007)

“Privatizing the Leviathan Immigration State” MR-zine (Monthly Review online), (July 20, 2007).

Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into the Accounting Curriculum,” in Advances in Accounting Education (Volume 8, 2007, co-authored).

“Hungarian Attitudes about Minority Rights,” 57 Europe-Asia Studies (formerly Soviet Studies) (2) (March 2005).

“Attitudes Towards Roma Minority Rights in Hungary: A Case of Symbolic Violence, Doxa, and the Legitimization of Roma Inferiority.” 31 Nationalities Papers Journal 3 (2003).

“Opportunity Lost? The Social (Dis)Integration of Roma Minority Rights in Post-Transition Hungary.” 8 Journal of Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 1(2002).

“Building Colonia Land Policy From the Inside Out,” with Marlynn May, Irregular Settlement and Self-Help Housing in the United States. Lincoln Institute monograph series (2001).

What Roma Want: A Survey of Hungarian Roma and their Minority Rights, Budapest: Mediant Publishing. (2001) (in English and Hungarian).

“Teaching Diversity through Service-Learning Immigrant Assistance,” Transforming the Classroom, Transforming the World. Carolyn O’Grady ed. Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates. (2000).

“Community Impact: Defining and Assessing the Intentional Community,” Assessing Internal and External Outcomes of Service-Learning Collaborations. Learn and Serve America monograph series. (1998).

“Citizenship Service Learning: Becoming Citizens by Assisting Immigrants,” PS: Political Science and Politics. (1998).

“Joining Academy and Community in a Collaborative Educational Venture,” with Marlynn May, Teaching Sociology. (1998).

“Civil Rights Violations in a South Texas Border Community,” 4 Rio Bravo: A Bilingual Journal of International Studies. (1995).

“U.S. Immigration Authorities and Border Communities,” Migration World Magazine. (Sept-Oct. 1995).

“Human and Civil Rights Abuses at the U.S.-Mexico-Border,” 3 Poverty and Race. (Oct. 1994).

  1. “U.S. Immigration Authorities and Victims of Human and Civil Rights Abuses: The Border Interaction Project Study of South Tucson, Arizona, and South Texas,” University of Arizona Mexican American Studies and Research Center Working Paper Series No. 20. (June 1994).

  2. “Systemic Deterrence Against Prospective Asylum Seekers: A Study of a South Texas Immigration District,” Immigration and Nationality Law Review (1992).

  3. “Systemic Deterrence Against Prospective Asylum Seekers: A Study of a South Texas Immigration District,” 19 New York University Journal of Law and Social Change. (1992).

Op-Ed/ Columns

  1. “ICE Risk Assessments: From Mass Detention to Mass Supervision? May 15, 2013

  2. “Boost Protections for detained immigrants.” Newark Star Ledger, May 1, 2013

  3. “Unlocking Immigrant Detention Reform,” Baltimore Sun, February 20, 2013

  1. “Immigration’s Strain on Democracy” Guest post in Steve Levingston’s Political Bookworm Blog, the Washington Post, May 18, 2010

  1. “Punishing Immigrants: The Government is Going After Non-violent Foreigners in a Big Way” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, March 15, 2010

  1. “Immigration Reform, but at What Cost?” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, September 17, 2009  op.immigration17sep17,0,5505436.story

“Making Real ID real” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, February 6, 2008,0,4262454.story

· “Facing Manipulation on Immigration” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, October 31, 2007,0,2883986.story

“Turning to Corporate America to Save the World” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, July 22, 2007,0,1920288.story

“Conservatives Waging War on Non-Profits” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, February 16, 2007.

“A Corporate Takeover of American Borders” Op-Ed, Baltimore Sun, August 21, 2006.

Professional Activities: Public Lectures, Conferences, Workshops and Ceremonies

Public Lecture at North Central College, October 3, 2013

Scheduled to present at Latcrit Conference, panel on immigration detention, to be held October 4-5, 2013 in Chicago, Ill.

Presentations at Law and Society Association Meetings in Boston, MA, May 2013:

    Panel: “Author Meets Reader: Social Control and Justice: Crimmigration in the Age of Fear (author); Panel: “Borders of Crimmigration” (presenter)

Presented at UMD Election 2012 Postmortem event sponsored by CAPC, November 12, 2012

Presented at UMD election evening event on Citizens United, commercial speech and the 2012 presidential campaign, November 6, 2012

Presented Keynote panel presentation at 1st Crimmigration Control Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, October 11-2, 2012.

Attended UNHCR at 60: Reaffirming Protection Conference at Georgetown Law Center, October 25, 2011.

Presentation for International Metropolis Conference, the Azores, Portugal, Sept. 2011

Presented at Law and Society Association Meetings, panel on Crimmigration, in San Francisco, Ca. May, 2011.

Presented UMD workshop on Filipino veterans and citizenship, for Asian Student Union Leadership Conference, at University of Maryland, College Park. (November 12, 2010)

Panelist for UMD “2010 Election Post Mortem Panel Discussion” sponsored by UMD Honors College and CAPC, University of Maryland, College Park. (November 9, 2010)

Attended UMD Tea Party and the 2010 Elections Conference at University of Maryland-College Park, sponsored by Center for American Politics and Citizenship, October 20, 2010.

Attended UMD Technology, Crime & Terrorism symposium, presented by College of Behavioral and Social Sciences,  at the University of Maryland, Oct. 6, 2010.

Attended American Political Science Association Meetings in Washington D.D. (September 2-4, 2010)

Attended 7th Annual Migration Policy Institute (MPI)  Immigration Law and Policy Conference at Georgetown Law Center, June 25, 2010.

Chaired panel “Immigration Rights and Wrongs,” and presented paper “Criminalizing Immigration Reform,” at Law and Society Association Annual Meetings, in Chicago, IL. May 27-30, 2010.

Delivered Public Lecture on Immigration and American Democracy at American University, Washington D.C. (February 3, 2010)

Presented “Federalization of Immigration Control” at Law and Society Association Annual Meetings, in Denver, CO. May 29, 2009

Presented “Baby Boomers and the Death of Political Speech: An Unintended Consequence of Bono’s Red Campaign,” at Law and Society Association Conference, in Montreal, May 29, 2008.

Presented “Blackwater and the Privatization of Immigration Control,”  at Law and Society Conference, May 31, 2008, Montreal.

Presented at Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Panel: Poverty, Ideology and the Media in Philadelphia, Pa. March 6-8, 2008.

Paper Presentation, Profit, Plenary Powers and Militarization:  A 'Perfect Storm' Scenario for Immigration Control at LatCritXII, in Miami, Fla. October 4-6, 2007.

Presented Public Lecture,  “Hungarian Roma Self Governance: Help or Hindrance?” at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, (CREECA) and Center for European Studies (CES), in Madison, WI, (September 28, 2006)

Paper Presentation at the annual Law & Society Association Conference, “Liberty With Strings: A Geography of Public Space in Urban America,” in Baltimore MD., (July 6-8, 2006)

Panel Presentation at the annual Community School Initiative Conference, on university-community partnerships. Baltimore, MD., (June 15-16, 2006).

Panel Presentation on community schools at annual HUD COPC Conference, "Leadership and Sustainability for Community/University Partnerships." Baltimore MD., (March 29-31 2006).

Presented Paper and Chaired Panel: “It Takes A Village with a Camera, Community Building Through Media Literacy,” for American Media Literacy Association Conference, in San Francisco, CA. June 2005.

Presented Paper at International Civic Engagement Conference in Reno, Nevada, “It’s all Text: Media Literacy and Service-Learning,” (October, 2004).

Chaired Panel and Presented Paper at National Media Education Conference in Baltimore, MD. “Service-Learning and Media Literacy,” organized by the Alliance for a Media Literate America. (June 28-July 1, 2003)

Participated in “The International Conference, Universities, Schools, and Community partners for effective Education, Community Building and Democracy, at University of Pennsylvania, (April 7-8, 2003)

Participated in Action Coalition Media Education (founding convention on democratic media education), Albuquerque, NM, (October 15-16, 2002)

Presented Public Lecture on Roma in Eastern Europe for Geography of Europe Course at the University of Vermont, (April, 2002)

Presented Paper at Northeastern Political Science Association Meetings in Philadelphia, Pa. “Ethnicity Matters: A Look at Roma Identity.” (November 2001)

Chaired Panel, Ethnicity, Race and Politics at Northeastern Political Science Association Meetings in Philadelphia, Pa. (November 2001)

Participated in University of Vermont John Dewey Project Summit on Progressive Education (October 2001).

Presented Paper at Conference, “Irregular Settlement and Self-Help Housing,” at Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, in Cambridge. (September 2001).

Chaired Panel discussion on “Identities in the Balkans” at International Conference "Nationality and Citizenship in Post-Communist Europe," organized by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques with the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) (Paris).  (July 9-10, 2001)

Presented Paper at International Conference "Nationality and Citizenship in Post-Communist Europe," organized by the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques with the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) (Paris) (July 9-10, 2001)

Attended American Bar Association and American University Workshop on Low Income Taxpayer Clinics, in Washington D.C. (May 9-10, 2001)

Chaired Panel on International Service-Learning at Massachusetts Campus Compact Annual Conference, Asking the Hard Questions: Visions and Strategies for Civic Engagement in Higher Education, in Waltham MA. (March 2001)

Presented Keynoted Address at Partners Foundation Conference on Roma in Budapest. (January 26-27, 2001)

Presented Public Lecture at Budapest University of Economic Sciences (BUES), “Do Minority Rights Matter in Hungary: A Case for Shifting the Focus of Minority Self-Government from Culture to Politics. (October 17, 2000) 

Attendee at Harvard University Workshop on Post-Socialist Politics and Gender, at Minda De Gunzburg Center for European Studies.  (October 6, 2000)

Participated in Yale University Poverty Project Workshop, at Institute for Comparative Social Research. (September 22, 2000)

Presented Keynote Speech at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Society of Collegiate Scholars. (September 19, 2000)

Conference Participant on Hungary and the Fall of Communist Dominoes. Embassy of the Republic of Hungary, Washington D.C. (May 2, 2000) 

Attended Boston University Conference, The Right of Return: Palestinian Refugees & Prospects for a Durable Peace. (April 2000)

Attended at Budapest Conference, Democratic Transition: Ten Years Later. (June 17, 1999)

Presented at National Business School Network—Inner City Leadership Conference, Boston, MA (April 23, 1999)

Presented at National Service Learning Conference, sponsored by National Youth Leadership Council, San Jose CA. (April 19, 1999)

Participated in Interaction Associates Workshop, “The Power of Collaborative Action” (June 15-17, 1998)

Presented at Bentley College Workshop on Job Loss.  (June 9-11, 1998)

Presented at Campus Compact Conference, Scottsdale, AZ. (May 1998)

Participated in Training Conference on Leadership and Capacity Building, National campus Compact 2+4 Common Ground, Cocoa Beach, FL. (January 31-February 3, 1998)

Delivered “Action Research as Service Learning” at National Society for Experiential Education National Conference: Reflecting on Practice. Kansas City, MO. (October 22-25, 1997)

Presented Community Service and Service Learning: Working for Democracy, Diversity, and Citizenship Conference, Waltham, MA, sponsored by Campus Compact (May 29-31, 1997) 

Reactor at Conference on New Approaches to International Law, Fin de NAIL: A Celebration, Harvard University. (May 9 - 11, 1997)

Presented “The New Federalism and old Politics of Immigration” to the New England Political Science Association Meeting, New London, CT.  (May 1997)

Participated in the 1997 Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Panel: The Consequences of Devolution. (April 10 - 12, 1997)

Served as Mentor for Associated Colleges of the Midwest  (ACM) Minority Student Scholar Conference at Carlton College, MN. (October 4 - 5, 1996)

Presented at conference sponsored by Northeastern University entitled “What’s Going On:  The Effects of Welfare Reform,” in Boston, MA. (October 26, 1996)

Participated in conference sponsored by MA Bar Foundation on Immigrants and Welfare Reform: Response to Changing Times, in Cambridge, MA sponsored by MA. Bar Foundation.  (November 26, 1996)

Chaired and was Discussant at Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Panel:  Citizens, Officials, Texas. (April 18-20, 1996)

Presented “Orchestrating the Rogue Elephant: Institutionalizing Human Rights Abuses at the Mexico-US Border,” at the IX Conference of Mexican and American Historians, Mexico City, Mexico (1994).

Moderated Immigration Panel for U.W. Havens Center Conference: “Beyond NAFTA: Toward equity and Sustainability.” (October 1994)

Presented “Documenting Interactions Between Border Communities and Immigration Authorities.” Paper delivered at Facets of Border Violence Conference, University of Texas at El Paso (1993).

Presented at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association  paper entitled “The State at the Margins of Society: Systemic Deterrence Against Asylum Seekers.” Reviewed at roundtable: “Organizational Behavior—How Distinctive is the Immigration Context?”, Philadelphia, PA (1992)

Presented “Administrative Appellate Review in the Immigration Context,”at annual meeting of Law and Society Association. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (1991)

Presented “Political Asylum: The 1980 Refugee Act Ten Years Later,” at annual meeting of Southern Political Science Association. (1990)

UMD Service Activities

UMD Department of Government and Politics Executive Committee (2012-2013)

UMD BSOS subcommittee on learning outcomes (2012- )

UMD BSOS task force committee (2012-)

UMD advisor and committee chair for senior honors thesis (2011, 2012, 2013)

UMD senior honors thesis committee (2012,2013)

UMD graduate student comprehensive exam committee (2012)

UMD advisor for Master’s student project in public policy (2012-2013)

Professional Service Activities/ Professional Development

Peer Reviewer for Law and Society Review (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

Textbook Reviewer for Cengage Press (2011)

Participated in Immigration Webinar: SB1070 and Report on the Civil Rights Challenge, June 17, 2010

Peer Reviewer for Law and Social Inquiry Journal (spring 2010)

Reviewer for book, “Law and Society”  (Praeger Press)  (winter/spring 2009-10)

Expert Reviewer for book manuscript “The Migration-Development-Security Nexus” Springer Press (2009)

Consultant for United Nations Development Project survey on Albanian Roma (summer 2007).

Baltimore Community Radio Consortium (2006-) (create neighborhood based radio programming: citizen journalism, storytelling, information sharing and dialogue. Partners from the Baltimore community, Johns Hopkins University and Loyola College)

Advisory Board for Maryland International College of Art (MICA) Community Arts Partnerships (CAP) Program (2006-)

Steering Committee for Baltimore’s University-Community Partnership (2006-)

Steering Committee for Dallas Nicholas Community School (2006-)

Steering Committee for Baltimore Partnership Higher Education & Student Service-Learning (2002-)

Text Reviewer for Wadsworth Publishing (2001)

Research Fellow Budapest University of Economic Sciences (BUES) (summer 2000)

Research Fellow at Bentley Center for Business Ethics (1997-98)

Submitted testimony to House of Representatives Subcommittee on International Law, Immigration and Refugees for H.R. 2119 bill to Establish an Independent Review Commission (1993)

Consultant for the American Friends Service Committee Immigration Law Enforcement Monitoring Project (1992-1993)

Commissioned by American Bar Association (ABA) to critique Report on Political Asylum submitted to Senate Judiciary Committee (1990)

Administrative Experience

Director of Law and Society Minor at UMD (2013-)

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Government and Politics at UMCP (2012-2013 )

Founding Chair, Law and Society Program (major) at Philadelphia University (2008-2010)

Founder and Administrator for Goucher College’s “The Old Goucher Neighborhood Collaborative” at 2526 North Charles St. (2004-2008)

France Merrick Professor of Service Learning/ Director Service Learning Goucher College (2002-2008)

Director of Bentley Service-Learning Center (1998-2001). Largest Service-Learning Program of all U.S. Business Colleges.  Center highlighted for excellence in Templeton Guide to University-based Character Development (1999) as well as AACU Guide to Service-Learning Programs (1999)

Associate Director of Bentley Service-Learning Center (1997-1998)

Director of Bentley Immigrant-Assistance Program (BIAP) (1997-1998)

Director of Community Research and Policy Studies Center (CoRPS) at Beloit College (1995-1996)

Media Interviews

Television Interview: “Frontline-USA” (with Avi Lewis), Blackwater and Privatization of Immigration Control,” February 20, 2008.

Pacifica Radio Interview: “Talk-Back” with Hugh Hamilton: “The Corporate Takeover of America’s Borders” NYC Pacifica Radio: WBAI FM, August 23, 2006.

Pacifica Radio Interview: “Talk-Back” with Hugh Hamilton: “Conservatives Waging War on Non-Profits” WBAI FM, February 21, 2007.


Department of Justice sub-grant for Juvenile and Child Victimization (2007) ($80,000)

Baltimore Family League for Community School Funding at Dallas Nicholas Elementary School  (2006) ($50,000)

Baltimore Family League for BOOST after school funding at Dallas Nicholas (2006) ($100,000)

Abel Foundation (December 2004) to Goucher College for Service-Learning Collaborative at 2526 North Charles Street ($50,000)

Goucher College Summer Research Grant (2003, 2004).

CNS Partnerships for Healthy Students and Schools (PHSS), Mini-Grant for Service-learning Faculty Fellows Workshop with Goucher College Education Department (received $5,000, spring 2003)

Federal Government Grant for Immigrant-based Multi-Lingual Tax Assistance Service-Learning Project (Lead Investigator; $53K for FY2001)

Bentley College Faculty Research Grant (2001)

Federal Government Grant for Immigrant-based Multi-Lingual Tax Assistance Service-Learning Project (Lead Investigator; $100K for FY2000)

Bentley College Faculty Research Grant (2000)

Fleet-Boston Grant for Service-Learning  (1997-2001) ($10K annually)

Campus Compact National Center for Community Colleges 2+4=Service on Common Ground (1997-1999) (10K annually)

Bentley College Faculty Development Grant (1998)

Bentley College Summer Research Grant (1998)

Bentley College Summer Research Grant (1997)

Bentley College Faculty Development Grant (1997)

Poverty and Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) (1992) ($10K)

Teaching Experience at UMD (2010- )

  1.    Immigration Law, Politics and Policy (GVPT 479I)

  2.    Law and Society (GVPT331)

  3.    American Political Thought (graduate level)

  4.   Introduction to Principles of Government and Politics: Political Ideologies

  5.   Public Policy Internship

Teaching Experience at Carey School of Law

Immigration Law (2013-)

Courses previously taught

      Constitutional Law

Criminal Law and Justice

American Government

Public Policy

  1.    Media and Democracy

Education Policy

Urban Politics/Policy

Human Rights

Race and Inequality

Service-Learning/ Community Development

Curriculum Development

    Courses Developed

  1.   American Political Thought

  2.    Immigration Law and Policy

  3.    Introduction to Law and Society

Criminal Law and Justice

Government and Law

Constitutional Law and the Supreme Court

Comparative Law

International Law

Law and Ethics

Senior Seminar on the First Amendment

Legal Research and Moot Court

Law and Society Capstone

Developed Law and Society Minor at University of Maryland-College Park (UMCP) (2011-2013)

Established Law and Society Curriculum for new major and minor at Philadelphia University (2008-)

Established course for Goucher Political Science Department on Immigration Politics (fall, 2006); Baltimore Politics (spring 2006)

Established international intensive course on Border Crossing  (Com. 299) (spring 2004)

Established interdisciplinary course on Service-Learning & Corporate Social Responsibility (ID 399 2000) (winner of national AICPA Award 2001)

Established and taught interdisciplinary course on global citizenship (ICE 398)

Established community-based introductory course on American Politics with focus on homelessness (class filmed by CNN November 1999)

Established International Service-Learning at Bentley College which integrates Service-Learning and International Studies and Study Abroad Programs (1999)

First-Year Initiative: Integrating Service-Learning into First-Year Student Program (1998)

Developed American Studies Course (1997)

Special topics cluster course for American Government with English Department (1997)


Greater Homewood Community Corporation (Baltimore) Public Education Partnership Award 2007

Baltimore Women’s Housing Coalition Volunteer of the Year 2003

Bentley College Innovation in Teaching Award (2001) (course on social responsibility and community service)

AICPA/AAA Joint Collaboration Award (2001) (a national academic association award for curriculum development for interdisciplinary course on social responsibility--“The Role of Community Service in a For-Profit Organization”)

Finalist National Campus Compact Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service Learning (1998) (Campus Compact: The Project for Public and Community Service)

Bentley College Innovation in Teaching Excellence Award  (1997) (course on the Politics of Immigration)

Professional Associations

Law and Society Association (Immigration and Citizenship CRN 02)

American Political Science Association (APSA) (law and the courts)

American Society of Law, Culture and the Humanities

CINETS--Crimmigration Control International Net of Studies


Jon Goldberg-Hiller

Professor of Political Science

University of Hawaii- Manoa

College of Social Sciences

2424 Maile Way

Honolulu, HI 96822

808 956-7536

Steve Macek

Associate Professor

Speech Communication

North Central College

30 N. Brainard

Naperville, IL 60540


Sonya Borton

Lipscomb University

Nashville, TN 37204‎