To discuss exemplar papers that apply (or inspire the application of) computational approaches to the studies of technological innovations
In Fall 2007, we usually meet on Thursdays 2-3 PM in Room 4113, Hornbake Building, South Wing, see maps and directions here. Please note our first meeting on September 27 will begin at 1:30 PM. If you plan to attend the reading group meetings and would like to have a copy of any paper listed below that you cannot obtain otherwise, request a password by emailing any of the contact persons listed below, then go to http://einnovation.4shared.com and log in with your password to download the paper(s).
Date | Time | Room | Presenter | Paper |
09/27/07 | 1:30-3 PM | HBK4113 | Ping Wang | Boyack, K. W., Klavans, R., and Börner, K. "Mapping the Backbone of Science," Scientometrics (64:3), 2005, pp. 351-374. |
10/04/07 | 2-3 PM | HBK4113 | Doug Oard | Hopkins, D., and King, G. "Extracting Systematic Social Science Meaning from Text," Working Paper, 2007, available http://gking.harvard.edu/files/words.pdf. |
10/11/07 | 2-3 PM | HBK4113 | David Kirsch | Berger, J. A., and Heath, C. "Idea Habitats: How the Prevalence of Environmental Cues Influences the Success of Ideas," Cognitive Science (29:2), 2005, pp. 195-221. |
10/18/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | Tan Xu | Crane, G. "What Do You Do with a Million Books?," D-Lib Magazine (12:3), 2006, available http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march06/crane/03crane.html. |
10/25/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | Steven Johnson | Harrison, J. R., Lin, Z., Carroll, G., and Carley, K. M. "Simulation Modeling in Organizational and Management Research," Academy of Management Review (32:4), 2007, pp. 1229–1245. |
11/01/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | Xiaoqing Wang | Kling, R. "Learning About Information Technologies and Social Change: The Contribution of Social Informatics," The Information Society (16), 2000, pp. 217-232. |
11/08/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | Vedat Diker | Martinez, I. J., and Richardson, G. P. "An Expert View of the System Dynamics Modeling Process: Concurrences and Divergences Searching for Best Practices in System Dynamics Modeling," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Palermo, Italy, 2002. |
11/15/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | No Meeting | |
11/29/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | Kari Kraus | Martindale, C. "A Psychological Theory of Aesthetic Evolution," in The Clockwork Muse: The Predictability of Artistic Change, Basic Books, New York, 1990, pp. 34-76. |
12/06/07 |
2-3 PM |
HBK4113 | Chia-jung Tsui | Corman, S. R., Kuhn, T., McPhee, R. D., and Dooley, K. J. "Studying Complex Discursive Systems: Centering Resonance Analysis of Communication," Human Communication Research (28:2), 2002, pp. 157-206. |
> Akrich, M., Callon, M., and Latour, B.
"The Key to Success in Innovation Part II: The Art of Choosing Good
Spokespersons," International Journal of Innovation Management (6:2), 2002, pp.
> Barley, S. R., Meyer, G. W., and Gash, D. C. "Cultures of Culture: Academics,
Practitioners and the Pragmatics of Normative Control," Administrative Science
Quarterly (33:1), 1988, pp. 24-60.
> Bettencourta, L. M. A., Cintron-Arias, A., Kaiser, D. I., and Castillo-Chavez
"The Power of a Good Idea: Quantitative Modeling of the Spread of Ideas from
Epidemiological Models," Physica A (364:2006), 2006, pp. 513-536.
King, G., and Lowe, W. "An Automated
Information Extraction Tool for International Conflict Data with Performance as
Good as Human Coders: A Rare Events Evaluation Design," International
Organization (57:3), 2003, pp. 617-642.
> Maguire, S. "The Co-Evolution of Technology and Discourse: A Study of
Substitution Processes for the Insecticide DDT," Organization Studies (25:1),
2003, pp. 113-134.
> Ren, Y., Carley, K. M., and Argote, L. "The Contingent Effects of
Transactive Memory: When Is It More Beneficial to Know What Others Know?,"
Management Science (52:5), 2006, pp. 671-682.
General Rules
> We meet weekly, on Thursday
> Attendance is open to anyone interested in computational approaches to
research on technological innovations.
> Each meeting focuses on one paper.
Attendees are expected to read the paper
prior to the meeting.
> Group members take turns to present papers and lead their discussions.
> After the presentation, the paper is then discussed among members in the
> At the beginning of each meeting, the group selects the paper for the next meeting.
Suggestions for the Presenter
Rather than requirements, these are just suggestions, but they may make the reading group a more interesting use of our time. Thank you for considering them!
The first part of your presentation lasts
about 10-15 minutes.
You are encouraged to use slides with readable
> Start with a brief summary and highlight the main contribution of the paper.
> Place the paper into the broader literature (if you can).
> Walk the audience through major sections of the paper.
> Let audience ask clarification questions during or after the walk-through.
> End this part in 15 minutes, so that there is enough time for the second part
(critical discussion).
In the second part of your presentation
(25-30 minutes), you act as the moderator of the discussion.
> List several critical considerations.
> You may elaborate on these considerations or leave some to the audience as
seeds for discussion.
Ping Wang pwang at umd dot edu |
Ken Fleischmann kfleisch at umd dot edu |
Doug Oard oard at umd dot edu |