Outside of Scholars Colloquium, ENES 210: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis and Decision- Making in Technology Ventures was a class that was pretty surprising to me. I initially took the class because it satisfied one of my general education requirements. However, the class turned out to be pretty interesting. Essentially we design a technology based business venture and we work on it throughout the semester. It teaches you a lot about the work that goes into creating a real business venture which was really interesting to me. I would say incoming students should pick classes that satisfy their requirements but also sound interesting to them. This way you'll have a high chance of enjoying the class.
Adjusting to the university can be tough at first but building relationships with other students can really help with the transition. These relationships help you cope because all of you are experiencing the same thing. Everyone is excited and anxious to be a college student. These relationships help you understand that you aren't the only one having a hard time. The greatest obstacle in building these relationships is just not putting yourself out there. Everyone at the beginning of freshman year is looking to meet new people, so as long as you put yourself in the social scene you will eventually find people that you enjoy being around. You may also build relationships in your classes with people that have the same professional goals as you. These connections may allow you to network in order to further your career in the future.
An aspect of university academic life I was least prepared for were early morning classes. 8AM classes in highschool are much different than 8am classes in college. I recommend that incoming students try to avoid these classes if possible. However, if you can't avoid them, having a good sleep schedule is essential. If not, these will likely be your least favorite classes even if it is a subject you enjoy. I was lucky enough to have taken my only 8Am class online so I could just wake up a couple minutes before class, but incoming freshmen will have to wake up much earlier in order to get ready and actually walk to class and even get breakfast before.