Graduation picture of me from May 2013.
Email: DpkSalem@gmail.com
My name is Deepak Salem and I am a biochemistry major at the University of Maryland, College Park. I was born in Laurel, Maryland and I was raised right here as well. As a child, I grew up on this campus as well, so I am very familiar with it. This all makes me that much more excited to be apart of such a great program such as the Science and Global Change Scholars Program. The purpose of my website here is to provide information about myself and to document my experiences in the Science and Global Change program. I am heavily interested in the sciences and I want to pursue a career in medicine. On the extracurricular side, I am an avid tennis player and a violinist. I currently participate in the University of Maryland Repertoire Orchestra (UMRO) and play on the University of Maryland Club Tennis Team. From my time in Science and Global Change, I hope to achieve a standard knowledge of all science and I hope to gain a lot of intuition involving logic. I beleive that this program will educate me to make good choices about modern issues, such as global climate change, in the future. This program will overall help me to gain a solid background education in just about all of science, and to help me to be an informed citizen of this country.
SGC Activities:
SGC Gallery:
National Air and Space Visit
Barefoot Running Research.
This is my research on barefoot running, conducted under the guidance of shoe designer Gabriel
To'o'to'o. This was a year long research project for the class
"Independent Research GT", taught by Ms. Janine Kucick, where descriptive
and analytical research was conducted.
Reaction Paper 1
Reaction Paper 2

Deepak Salem - Scholars Three Semesters Review
Search for solutions: Low impact waste management summary