Jo Barraclough Paoletti

American Studies Department

1102 Holzapfel Hall

University of Maryland College Park

College Park, MD 20742

(301) 405-6646 or




B.S.            Syracuse University, Clothing Design (cum laude) 1971             

M.S.          University of Rhode Island, Textiles 1976         

Ph.D.         University of Maryland, Textiles 1980




1992-present Associate Professor, Department of American Studies, University of Maryland


2000 (Summer) Visiting Professor, Office of Information Technology, UMCP                  

1987-92 Associate Professor, Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland               

198l-87 Assistant Professor, Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland                1980-81 Lecturer, Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland                       

1978-80 Instructor (part-time), Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland             1977-78 Graduate Teaching and Administrative Assistant, Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland                   

1976-77 Instructor (full-time), Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of Maryland            

1975-76 Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Textiles, Clothing and Related Arts, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI





2004-2009  Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of American Studies

1996-2003 Co-Director, College Park Scholars - American Cultures                

1999-2000 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of American Studies

1995-97 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of American Studies

1991-92 Acting Department Head, Department of Textiles and Consumer Economics                 

1989-91 Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, College of Human Ecology

1980-90 Curator, Historic Costume and Textile Collection, Dept. of Textiles and Consumer Economics




Books and Book Chapters


"The Children's Department," in Claudia Brush Kidwell and Valerie Steele, ed., Men and Women:  Dressing the Part, (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989).  (primary author, with Carol Kregloh)


"Conclusion," in Claudia Brush Kidwell and Valerie Steel, ed., Men and Women: Dressing the Part, (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989).  (primary author, with Claudia Brush Kidwell)


"Wanted:  An Interdisciplinary Approach to Comfort," in Susan Kaiser and Mary Lynn Damhorst, ed., Exploring Knowledge Constructions (Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing, 1993).


"The Gendering of Infants' and Toddlers' Clothing in America," in Katharine Martinez and Kenneth Ames, ed. The Material Culture of Gender/ The Gender of Material Culture, (The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur  Museum, 1997.


"The Value of Conversation in Teaching and Learning", Stephen Selden, ed. Essays on Quality Learning, University of Maryland IBM-TQ Project, 1997.


"Online Discussion of Race and Ethnicity: Using Technology to Break Down Barriers" in Literature and Emerging Issues: Breaking Barriers University of Maryland Eastern Shore 1998: 149-153 (conference proceedings).


 "Historical Details" in Heirloom Sewing for Jack & Jill by Martha Pullen Martha Pullen Co.  Huntsville AL (1999)


"Using a virtual museum for collaborative exhibit design in an undergraduate course." Proceedings of the 1998 international meeting of Digital Resources for the Humanities, Glasgow, Scotland, 2000. (co-author with Mary Sies and Virginia Jenkins)


"Using a virtual museum for collaborative exhibit design in an undergraduate course." Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities: Issues and Opinions, ed. by James Inman, Cheryl Reed and Peter Sands. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, N.J., 2004) (co-author with Mary Sies and Virginia Jenkins)


Jo B. Paoletti, "Creating and Sustaining Online Learning Communities," Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, ed. by Caroline Howard. (Idea Group: Hershey, PA, 2005)


Jo B. Paoletti, "E-portfolio Thinking: The Challenge of the Public Research University", Handbook of Research on ePortfolios, ed. by Ali Jafar and Catherine Kaufman. (Idea Group: Hershey, PA, 2006)


Colleen R. Callahan & Jo B. Paoletti, "Is it a Girl or a Boy? Gender Identity and Children's Clothing", The Fashion Reader ed. by Linda Welters and Abby Lillethun (Oxford, UK: Berg, 2007)


Jo B. Paoletti, Eden Segal and Christina Totino. "Acts of Diversity: Assessing the Impact of Service-Learning", The Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning ed. by Matthew Kaplan (San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 2007)


Jo B. Paoletti. "Children and Adolescents in the United States", The Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Volume 3. (Oxford, UK: Berg, 2010)


Jo B. Paoletti. Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys From the Girls in America (in progress publication anticipated in 2012)



Articles and Other Short Works (selected)


"The Role of Choice in the Democratization of Fashion: A Case Study  1875-1885." Dress 5 (1980): 47-56.


"Cartoons and the Costume Historian " Dress 7 (1981): 47-51.


"Content Analysis:  Its Application to the Study of History of Costume " Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 1 (1982): 14-17.


"Clothes Make the Boy 1860-1910 " Dress 8 (1983).


"Ridicule and Role Models as Factors in American Men's Fashion Change " Costume  (1985: 121-134. Translated into Russian and reprinted in Теория моды: Одежда, Тело, Культура (Fashion Theory: Dress, Body, Culture) Spring 2010. Pp. 55-74


"Clothing and Gender in American Children's Fashions 1890-1920 " Signs 13:1  (Autumn 1987): 136-143.


"Men's Jacket Styles 1919-1941:  An Example of Coordinated Content Analysis and Object Study " Dress  13 (1987): 44-48. (primary author, with Catherine Beeker and Diana Pelletier )


"Comment:  Children's Clothes and Gender " Threads 19  (Oct./Nov. 1988): 98.


"What Do We Wear to the Wedding Now that the Funeral is Over?" Dress 16 (1990): 81-87. (co-author with Louise Wehrle)


"Little Lord Fauntleroy and His Dad Hope and Glory 5:1 (Summer 1991): 18-25.


"Between a Rock and a Hard Place" ASA Newsletter Fall 1998  (exhibit review)


"Online Discussion of Race and Ethnicity: Using Technology to Break Down Barriers" in Literature and Emerging Issues: Breaking Barriers University of Maryland Eastern Shore 1998: 149-153 (conference proceedings).


"Is it a Girl? Is it a Boy?"  Exhibit catalog. Valentine Museum Richmond Virginia 1999. (co-author with Colleen Callahan


"The Fauntleroy Mania"  Historic Fashions of Women and Children  9 October 2002 < > (published summer 1999)


"Teaching Material Culture On The Web" ASA Newsletter Sept. 1999 co-authored with Virginia Jenkins


"Reflections" (a bimonthly historical column) Sew Beautiful (11/99  2/00 4/00 6/00 8/00 10/00 12/00)


"Home Sewing in Early Greenbelt" Humanities Maryland Humanities Council (December 2000)


"Clothing" Encyclopedia of American Boyhood ABC/CLIO (2001)


"Clothing" Encyclopedia of American Girlhood ABC/CLIO (2001)


"Wanted: Course Revision Without Pain" The Technology Source, November/December 2003. Available online at


"Designing Authentic Class Discussions", Center for Teaching Excellence Newsletter (April/May 2004).


Ready Made Democracy: History of Men's Dress in the American Republic,1760-1860 by Michael Zakim.  (Review)Men and Masculinities. 8:2 (October 2005): 239-241.


Declining by Degrees by John Merrow . (Review) Faculty Voice. May 2006.


Learning Outcomes Assessment, (3-part series). Faculty Voice. April, June, October 2007.


My Freshman Year/I'm the Teacher, You're the Student. (Review) Faculty Voice. April 2007.


American Beauty by Patricia Mears. (Review) American Studies (in press).




"Coverlets: The Woven Record". Symposium and exhibit, University of Maryland, College Park, Sept. 23-24, 1983. Planned theme, selected and invited speakers, selected objects for exhibition and wrote exhibit catalog (shared tasks equally with Clarita Anderson.)


Virtual Greenbelt, a site for collaborative research and exhibition. ( (established Summer, 1995). Original concept my own; executed collaboratively with Mary Corbin Sies, David Silver, Psyche Williams, Virginia Jenkins and Sandor Vegh of the American Studies Department and the staff and friends of the Greenbelt Museum.


AMST 212 – Online Version. Original concept and entire execution my own. (Under development 1996-1999, in use 1998-2003.)


The Intercultural Learning Center, an online meeting place for cross-cultural interaction. (established Winter, 1998, inactive since Fall 2001). Original concept my own, executed collaboratively with Andrew Cavanaugh, Kathleen Kilday and Holly Gray of the Maryland English Institute.


"Is it a Girl? is it a Boy? Gender Identity and Children's Clothing", an exhibit at the Valentine Museum, Richmond, Va. (co-curator, with Colleen Callahan) 1998-1999 (exhibit opened 8 April 1999).


Undergraduate Advising Portfolio, an online course and advising environment for American Studies majors. (established 1999, in use 1999-2005. ). Original concept a collaboration between myself and Mary Corbin Sies, executed by myself with assistance from Sandor Vegh.




Title:A Computer-Assisted Content Analysis of Fashion Illustrations, 1875-1885.       

Dates:June, 1978 - January, 1979       

Funding:Smithsonian Institution Visiting Fellowship, $1,000       


Title: Clothes Make the Boy, 1860-1910.       

Dates:July - August, 1982       

Funding:University of Maryland General Research Board Grant, $3,200        


Title:A Comparison of Extant Garments and Fashion Illustrations as Sources of  Information on Children's Costume, 1860 to 1910.       

Dates:July - August, 1986       

Funding:University of Maryland General Research Board Grant, $2,000      


Title:Gender Differentiation in Toddlers' Clothing, 19l0-1930       

Dates:September, 1986 - June, 1987       

Funding:University of Maryland College of Human Ecology Small Grant, $1,000       


Title: Child Life in 19th Century America: Toys in the Index of American Design       

Dates:  June 1, 1993 - Sept. 1, 1993       

Funding: University of Maryland General Research Board Grant, $6750


Title: Stitches in Time: Homemade Clothing During the Great Depression

Dates: June 1, 1998 - Sept. 1, 1998

Funding: Funding: University of Maryland General Research Board Grant, $7100


Title: Interrogating the Question: How do Undergraduates Initiate Research?

Dates June 1, 2001-Sept 1 2001

Funding : CTE Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Fund, $5000


Title: Pink and Blue: Gender Differences in American InfantsÕ Clothing

Dates: March 2010

Funding:  UCLA James and Sylvia Thayer Short-Term Research Fellowship, $1500




Invited talks and professional workshops:


"Reading Non-Verbal Materials," Smithsonian Institution – Co-operative Program in American Culture, Washington, DC, Sept. 1979.

"The Role of History in Human Ecology," University of Rhode Island, March 1980.

"Sex-Role Stereotyping of Clothing Behavior," Kean College of New Jersey, March 1980.

"Men's Dress in  Humor", Howard University, Forum 1981 Lecture Series.

 "Documenting Historic Costume and Textiles", Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA, June 1984 (workshop)

"The Use of Eagles as a Decorative and Symbolic Motif in 19th Century Coverlets", Second Annual Conference on the Creation of Complex Weave Structures, Mineral Point, WI, July 1984.


"Technology and Family Life", International Federation of Home Economics, Oslo, Norway, July 1984.

"Historic Costume and Textiles: Curricula and Competencies for a Changing World", ACPTC-ER/AHEA Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 1985 (workshop).


"Thinking of Computerization?", Costume Society of America, Atlanta, GA, July 1986.

 "Comfort Assessment of Non-wovens Using Human Perception in the Home," Association of non Woven Fabrics Industry, Boston, MA, June 1985.


"Email in the Classroom", CTE Brown Bag, UMCP, Fall 1994.

"Using Email to De-center the Classroom", Teaching with Technology conference, UMCP, spring 1995.

Quantitative Methods in Popular Culture. NMAH Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, October 1987.

The Politics and Meaning of Men's Hair, 1963-1973. "Out of the Sixties: The HAIR Symposium", UMCP, October 1995.

"and the groom woreÉ".Fairfax Park and Recreation Annual Symposium for historic site interpreters and managers. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA March 1996.


"Electronic Museums as Collaborative Works". National Museum of American History in-house seminar. Washington, DC. April 1996.

"Visual Merchandising at Woodward and Lothrop", Historical Society of Washington, DC, April 1996.

Stepping onto the Web. University of Maryland Eastern Shore, August 1998.

Online Discussion of Race and Ethnicity: Using Technology to Break Down Barriers.  Literature and Emerging Issues: Breaking Barriers International Conference, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, October 1998


Using WebCT for Distance Teaching, WebCT Users' Group, UMCP, February 1999.


Why Use the Web? In-service training, Northwestern High School and Hyattsville Middle School, Prince George's County, MD. March 1999.


Humanities Teaching Resources on the Web. ? In-service training, Northwestern High School. Spring 1999.


Distance Education: Faculty Concerns, Maryland Association of Higher Education, Baltimore, MD, May 1999


Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, AAHE Summer Academy, Aspen, CO, July 1999. (workshop)


Using WebCT for a Distance Course, WebCT Brown Bag, OIT, UMCP, Sept. 1999.


The Scholarship of Teaching, CTE Brown Bag, UMCP, October 1999.


Novel Applications of the WebCT Quiz feature, WebCT Brown Bag, OIT, UMCP, Jan. 2000.


The Scholarship of Teaching, Digital Dialogs Series, Cyberculture Working Group, April 2000.


Diversity Online, WIT Organizational Learning Conference, UMUC, College Park, MD, May 2000.


Teaching Material Culture Online, Costume Society of American, Williamsburg, VA, June, 2000.


Humanities Computing, two-part lecture series, Honors Humanities, September, 2000


Assessing online courses. MHEC faculty training session. Catonsville (MD) Community College, Nov. 10, 2000  (workshop)


 Curriculum Development in Material Culture. Fashion Institute of technology, New York, MY, October 2001


Winter Semester Courses: An Overview , UMCP Center for Teaching Excellence, November 2001.


Lessons Learned on Teaching with the Web. Towson University, Towson, MD. Jan. 22, 2001.


The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, UMCP Center for Teaching Excellence, March 2002.


Interrogating the Question, Library Staff Development, McKeldin Library, UMCP, April 2002.


Online Teaching and Learning, Wakonse Teaching Conference, Shelby, MI May 2002. (workshop)


Academic Restructuring: Exploring meaning, experience and direction, Savannah, GA, November 2003


Interrogating the Question: How Students Approach Research, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA., September, 2004


"Podcasting in the Classroom" (panel response), College of Arts and Humanities, University of Maryland. November 2005.  


Podcasting at the University of Maryland, UMBC Technology Center and Videocast to System Campuses, January 2006


The Role of Disciplinary Associations in Supporting the Scholarship of Teaching, Carnegie Foundation Colloquium, March 2006


Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning: A Graduate Research Seminar, UM Center for Teaching Excellence, May 2006


The World is Flat: Implications for Higher Education, UM Academy for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, October 2006


Teaching for Civic Engagement, UM Center for Teaching Excellence, October 2006


Getting Started in SoTL (workshop), Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA, January 2007


"Poking and Prying with a Purpose: The Nature of Research" (keynote), Assumption College, Worcester, PA, April 2007


ÒGreen is the New BlackÓ, Science and Technology lecture series, Riderwood Village, Silver Spring, MD January 2010


ÒBefore Pink and Blue: Baby Clothes before Babies had GenderÓ, Bill Blass Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington, January 2010



Contributed talks and workshops:



"Children's Role in Wool Production," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct. 1978. (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1978, p. 40.)


"A Computer-Assisted Content Analysis of Fashion Illustrations, 1875-1885," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, Oct. 1979, (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1979, p. 33-34.)


 Changes in the Masculine Image, 1880-1910: A Content Analysis of Popular Humor," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing National Meeting, Washington, DC, October, 1980. (ACPTC Proceedings, 1980, p.81)


"Changes in the Masculine Image in America 1880-1910," Costume Society of America Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, May, 1981.


"Clothes Make the Boy: 1860-1910," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 1982. (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1982, p. 214-215.)


"A Content Analysis of Magazine Descriptions of Boys' Clothing, 1860-1910," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing National Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 1983. (Read by Dr. Barbara Starke, Howard University). (ACPTC Proceedings, 1983, p.65-66)


 "Home Economics and Fashion Merchandising: A Portrait of the Odd Couple," Costume Society of America – Central Atlantic Region, Philadelphia, PA., Sept. 1984.


 "The Use of Eagles as a Decorative and Symbolic Motif in 19th Century American Coverlets," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, White Sulphur Springs, WV, Nov. 1984.  , (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1984, p. 105-106.)


"Selecting and Using File Management Software for Indexes, Bibliographies and Catalogs," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, White Sulphur Springs, WV, Nov. 1984.  , (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1984, p. 111-112.)


"The Fauntleroy Plague", Popular Culture Association National Conference, Louisville, KY, April 1985.


 "Men's Jacket Design, 1919-1941", ," Costume Society of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY, June 1985.


"An Analysis of Men's Jacket Design, 1919-1929",  Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, Providence, RI, Nov. 1985.  (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1985, p. 168.)


 "A Documentation and Analysis of Dated Victorian Crazy Quilts," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Eastern Regional Meeting, Providence, RI, Nov. 1985. Graduate Research Competition  (ACPTC Combined Proceedings, 1985, p. 173.)


"Let's Pretend: Costume Playclothes for Children, 1909-1978," Popular Culture Association National Conference, Atlanta, GA April 1986.


"Welcoming the Little Stranger: Infants' Layettes in Sears, Roebuck Catalogs, 1900-1985," Costume Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 1986.


 "Brides in Mourning: An Investigation into the Use of Popular Literature to explain Behavior at the Intersection of Two Social Rituals, 1880-1910," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing National Meeting, October 1986. (ACPTC Proceedings, 1986)


 "Infants' Dresses, 1910-1960: The Decline of the Small White Uniform," Popular Culture Association National Conference, Montreal Quebec, Canada, Match 1987.


"Costume as Popular Culture," Popular Culture Association National Conference, Montreal Quebec, Canada, Match 1987.


"Wanted: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Comfort", ," Association of College Professors of Textiles and Clothing Central Regional Meeting, Dearborn, MI, October, 1987.


"Clothing and Gender: Teaching Sex Roles through dress, 1900-1940. American Studies Association, New York, NY, November 1987.


"Accessories: Bits and Pieces or Missing Pieces", Costume Society of America Annual Symposium, Cincinnati, OH May 1988.


"ARTIFACT and the Material Culture Resources Gopher", American Studies Association meeting, Nashville, TN, November 1994.


Web-based Teaching and Research in Popular Culture. Great Plains Popular Culture Association, Sioux City IA, October 1995.


"Letting My Freak Flag Fly: Men's Hair, 1963-1973", Popular Culture Association, Chicago, IL., March 1996.


"Using a virtual museum for collaborative exhibit design in an undergraduate course.", What Works II Conference. National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Pennsylvania State University, June 1996.


 Growing up Unisex: Children's' Fashion in the 70's. Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, TX, March 1997.


 Using a virtual museum for collaborative exhibit design in an undergraduate course. Digital Resources in the Humanities '98, University of Glasgow, Scotland, September 1998. (refereed)


 The Challenge of Distance Learning, Teaching With Technology Conference, UMCP, April 1999. (refereed)


 Learning by Doing: Collaborative Projects for Faculty, Web Initiative in Teaching Conference, UMUC, May 1999. (refereed)


 Ramping-Up Courses: Faculty Experiences of Using WebCT in Classes, WebCT Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 1999. (refereed panel)


 Managing Online Courses, Lily-Atlantic Conference, Towson, MD, April 2000. (refereed panel)


 A Software Development Approach to Course Design, Teaching with Technology, OIT/CTE, UMCP, April 2000. (refereed)


 Learning Partners: A Service-Learning Approach to Popular Culture, Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, LA, April 2000.


 Making MITH a Reality: The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, Year Two, Panel Session for joint international conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computing and the Humanities, University of Glasgow, Scotland, July 21-25, 2000. (refereed panel)


 Peer Review of ALN Courses: Promise, Problems and Practice, Sixth International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks. College Park, MD, Nov. 4, 2000 (refereed panel)


 Solving Teaching/Learning Problems in On-Line Classes, Sixth International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks. College Park, MD, Nov. 4, 2000. (refereed panel)


 Long-Term Online Learning Communities. Teaching with technology, OIT/CTE, UMCP, March 2001. (refereed)


 A Software Development Approach to Course Design. WebCT Conference, Vancouver, BC June 2001. (refereed)


 Discovery Projects: First Steps in Interdisciplinary Research for Undergraduate Students. Popular Culture Association, Toronto, ON, March 2002.


 Teaching the One-Credit Course, College Park Scholars Faculty Institute, College Park, MD, June 2002.


 Acts of Diversity (panel). Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association, November 4, 2002. (refereed)


 Interrogating the Question: How Undergraduates Approach Research, Lilly-Atlantic Conference, April 4, 2003. (refereed)


 PCA/ACA '03: Undergraduate Responses. Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 19, 2003.


 Learning styles approach to course design. American Studies Association, Hartford, CT, November, 2003. (refereed)


Assessing Critical Thinking at the Program Level. AAHE Assessment Conference, Denver, CO, June 2004. (refereed)


Crossing the Boundary from Service-Learning to Community-based Research. Council on Undergraduate Research, 2004 National Conference, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, June 23rd - 26th, 2004. (refereed)


Developing and Answering Learning-centered Research Questions about Power and Diversity with Students as Partners, (with Eden H. Segal and Chip De Atley), International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning , Bloomington, IN, October, 2004. (refereed)


Crossroads in the Classroom: American Studies as honors, American Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, November, 2004. (refereed)


How Students Learn about Diversity. (with Eden Segal) Maryland College Personnel Association, Baltimore, MD, December, 2005 (refereed)


Student-Teacher Partnerships: SoTL Research about Power and Diversity, (with Eden H. Segal, Jessica Toole, Jo Paoletti & Chip De Atley), 2005 Carnegie Colloquium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Atlanta, GA, March, 2005 (refereed).

E-portfolio Thinking: The Challenge of Institutionalization. Academic Technology Conference, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD,  May 2005 (refereed).
"Declining by Degrees": The Blame Game. Institute for Higher Education Policy Summer Academy, Snowbird, UT. July 2005.
"Thinking E-portfolios?", Advising Conference, University of Maryland,August 2005.

"Student-Teacher Partnerships: Student Testimony as Evidence of Learning",(with Eden H. Segal and Jessica Toole, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vancouver, BC. October 2005.                                      


"From the Ground UP: Teaching and Transformation in American Studies" (roundtable/workshop with Michael Coventry, Stephanie Tingley, Martha Pallante, Lynne Adrian, Edward Tang and Lawrence Hanley). American Studies Association annual meeting, November 2005.  


The Goals of Inquiry: Student and Faculty Perceptions. Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Colloquium, Madison, WI, April 2006.


Excavating Signature Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning in American Studies, 1945-1955. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching  and Learning, Washington, DC. November 2006


Innovations in Teaching with Technology: UMS Initiatives. Innovations in teaching and Learning Conference, University of Maryland, February, 2007.


Service-Learning and Literacy: A Case Study. Maryland Association for Adult, Community and Continuing Education, Baltimore, MD. May 2007.


Service-Learning and Literacy: A Case Study. Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association, Philadelphia, PA. November 2007.


ÒGreen is the New BlackÓ: Sea Change or Greenwash ClichŽ? Popular Culture Association, San Francisco, CA. March 2008.


Prettier in Pink: Color Symbolism in American Children's Clothing since 1900. Chesapeake American Studies Association, College Park, MD. April 2008.


Prettier in Pink: Color Symbolism in American Children's Clothing since 1900. Costume Society of America, SE Region, Williamsburg, VA. Oct. 2008.


ÒFree to be You and MeÓ: Unisex fashions and non-sexist child-raising in the 1970s. Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, LA. April 2009.


Prettier in Pink: Color Symbolism in American Children's Clothing since 1900. Costume Society of America National Symposium, Phoenix, AZ. May. 2009.


Archival Sources for Costume Study. Costume Society of America National Symposium, Kansas City, MO. June, 2010.


Prettier in Pink: Color Symbolism in American Children's Clothing since 1900. MidAtlantic PCA/ACA. October. 2010.


Pink Boys and Tomgirls: Raising Gender Variant Boys in the Twentieth Century. Popular Culture Association, San  Antonio, TX. April 2011






American Studies Association

Chesapeake American Studies Association

            2004-2006 Vice President

            2006-2008  President/Treasurer

            2008-         Secretary/Treasurer

Costume Society of America       

            1989-90 Program Co-Chair, Research,

            1990 Annual Meeting and Symposium, Washington, DC       

            1992-95 Board member, Region II (Mid-Atlantic)        

            1984-     Reviewer, Dress       

            1997-99 CSA Scholars Roundtable


International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

            Convener, Teaching and Learning Diversity working group

            Local planning, ISSOTL 2006

            Disciplinary Societies outreach coordinator 2006-2008

Popular Culture Association

Phi Kappa Phi (collegiate honor society)




S. I. Newhouse Journalism Scholarship, Syracuse University, 1967-1969       

Joseph Lubin Scholarship, Syracuse University,  1969-1971              

University of Maryland Fellowship, 1978-1980        

Outstanding Young Women in America, 1981-83    

Distinguished Alumnus Award, College of Human Ecology, UMCP, 1983       

Member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Maryland, 1987- present    

Distinguished Service Award, College of Human Ecology, UMCP 1992   

Who's Who Among American Women 1992-present

Lilly-Center for Teaching Excellence Fellowship, 1993-94.

Costume Society of America Scholars Roundtable, 1996-98

Web Initiative in Teaching (WIT) Fellow (a USM distance education initiative), 1998-2000

University of Maryland Award for Innovation in Teaching With Technology, 2000

Fellow, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities 2000-2001

Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2004-present

Visible Knowledge Writing Residency, Georgetown University January 2005 (competitive)

Academy for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Maryland 2005-

James and Sylvia Thayer Short-Term Research Fellowships, UCLA, 2010


 Improvement of Teaching Awards:


1982-83, purchase of slide presentations on the preservation of textiles. $390.


1985-86, production of video tapes of slide reviews in TEXT 345, 347 and 363. $500.


1990, software purchase for collection cataloging. $200.


1992, development of AMST 212, Diversity in American Culture. $2000.


1995, development of Virtual Greenbelt, $10,900


2003, Using service-learning as a text in AMST 201. $2000


2004, Creating visual materials for new material culture course, $1000


2007, Incorporating Uniform Writing Standards and Calibrated Peer review into AMST 201 (Introduction to American Studies), $1000.





Cooperative State Research Service (USDA), 1994 (External Program Review)

NEH Division of Research (1996, 1999) (Research Reviews)

Valentine Museum, Richmond, Virginia, 1998-99. (Exhibit co-curator)

Albany Institute of History and Art, 2000. (Collection evaluation)

University of Delaware, 2000. (Course management systems)

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Park, 2000. (Historic costume research)

Northwestern High School, 2001- present (Teacher development, Enhancement of dress code.)

Museum of the Rockies, 2002-2004 (Collection evaluation, Historic costume research)

SUNY Potsdam, 2009 (Title III Strengthening Institutions Grant – Undergraduate Research)






1981-83             Regional Editor, ACPTC Newsletter

1984-85             Editor, ACPTC Proceedings (Eastern Region)


Reviewing Activities:


1980-81             ACPTC Proceedings (Eastern Region)

1981-87                    Non-print materials, Choice

1984-85                    Historic textiles monographs, American Chemical Society Books

1984-present       Dress (Costume Society of America)

1986-present       Clothing and Textiles Research Journal



COURSES TAUGHT (* indicates courses developed or substantially revised, # indicates web-supported, % indicates online)



*#         American Cyberculture

*#         American Popular Culture for ESOL Programs

*#         Colloquium in American Cultures (College Park Scholars)

*#         Discovery Research – Popular Culture (College Park Scholars)

*#%      Diversity in American Culture      

*# %     Electronic Exhibits and Publication in American Studies       

*#         Growing Up American     

*#%      Introduction to American Studies  

            Material Aspects of American Life

*#%      Orientation to American Studies (ePortfolio course)

*#         Popular Culture, Youth and Literacy

*#         Practicum in American Cultures (College Park Scholars)

*#         Seminar in Service-Learning Experiences (Beyond the Classroom)       

*#         Senior Seminar in American Studies: Fashion and Consumer Culture

*#         Senior Seminar in American Studies: "Moral Values": Religion and Faith in American Culture    

*#         Senior Seminar in American Studies: Writing the Seventies

*#         Senior Seminar in American Studies: Seventeen Ways to Read a Shirt

*#             Special Topics in American Studies: Material Culture Research: Costume and Textiles  

*          Technology and the Modernization of the American Home

*          Advanced Material Culture : Craft and Production



*          Childhood in American Culture    

*          Fashion and Consumer Culture        

            Material Culture Theory  

*          Historiography of Costume and Textiles

*%        Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning      

*          Masculinity in American Culture   

*          Research Seminar in Costume and Textiles





UNDERGRADUATE HONORS THESES current students are italicized (*co-authored publication resulted)


Emily Brecht, AMST

Theresa Cancro, TXCE

Christopher Jacobs, AMST

Stephanie Thompson, TXCE*

James Tobin, AMST

Virginia Russell, TXCE*

Angela Wish, AMST




Diana Pelletier, TXCE (publication and presentation)

David Frederick, CPS-AM (presentation)

Abigail Keller, CPS-AM (presentation)

Lauren Andres, CPS-AM (presentation)

Erin Callaway, CPS-AM (presentation)

Jamie Lampel, CPS-AM (presentation)

Adam Peck, CPS-AM (presentation)

Kristen Waldemayer, CPS-AM (presentation)

Ryan Dowd, AMST (presentation)

Joi Stanley, IVSP (presentation)

Jessica Toole, BEES (presentations)

Christina Totino, HIST (presentations and publication)




MA.      Abigail Kiesa, AMST (major professor - current) 



            Gilda Anroman, AMST (Spring 2006)

Cathy Carter, GEOG (Fall 2004)

Isabell Cserno, AMST (Spring 2008)

Jane Dusselier, AMST (Spring 2005)

David Eubanks, ENGL (Fall 2005)

Catherine Field, ENGL (Spring 2006)

Charles Flanagan, AMST (Spring 2005)

Stacy Irwin, EDPL (Spring 2005)

Laura Napolitano, ARTH (Spring 2008)

Donna Paoletti, EDPL (Fall 2006)

Jennifer Pizgah, EDPL (Spring 2005)

            Paul Reber, AMST (major professor) (Spring 2003)

            Eden Segal, EDPL (in progress)

            Kimberlee Staking, WMST (in progress)

Chris Steele, GEOG (Fall 2006)

Cynthia Whitesel, EDPL (Fall,2009)

Kristen Williams, AMST (Spring 2010)

            Stephen Wright, EDHD (Spring 2004)



SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY – previous and current academic year (committees)



            LOA Representative

            Search Committee


            LOA Committee



            Coalition for Civic Engagement and Leadership

            Academy for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (book review committee)

            Campus Senate