This filmography is listed by the year in which production began, which
is the standard way of dating Mexican films (thus, a film which started
shooting on 31 December 1968 is a "1968 film" in this system). Release
dates and copyright dates on films may therefore differ from the dates
below. Clicking on a hot-linked title will take you to a synopsis of that
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1978: MEXICO DE MIS AMORES (My Beloved Mexico) (compilation film
which includes clips from nearly 100 Mexican movies, including Asesinos
de otros mundos)
1981: ÁDIOS, ÁDIOS ÍDOLO MÍO (short feature about a fictionalised El Santo)
1989: LA LEYENDA DE UNA MÁSCARA (fictionalised biopic of a Santo-like wrester)
2001: JESUS CHRIST VAMPIRE HUNTER (made in Canada, Jeff Moffet as "Santos")
2004: SANTO CONTRA LOS CLONES(5-episode animated series shown in Mexico)
2008: MASK OF SANTO (pilot for animated series)
2012: EL SANTOS VS. LA TETONA MENDOZA (animated feature)