6803 Dartmouth Avenue
College Park Maryland 20740
(301) 405-9209 (work number)
e-mail: dwiltNOSPAM@umd.edu (remove NOSPAM before you mail!)
My Twitter
My Youtube Channel: DWilt55
My Tumblr Blogs:
Cynically Sentimental (Movie Review Blog, mostly)
Compelling Imagery (Popular Culture Art Analysed)

We're Moving!! As of January 2023, I will no longer have the ability to maintain/update my "terpconnect" websites. I'm not sure how long they'll remain up. I will be re-creating most of my pages elsewhere (probably https://davewiltfilms.net) but it may take a while.

This CV is now LIVE (1/1/2023) at https://davewiltfilms.net/dwiltcv

If you want to be notified of the new URLs, drop me a line at DWilt@davewiltfilms.net (note: I will only be using this email for website updates so I won't be monitoring it much) Thank you for being with us for nearly 30 years!



Conference Papers and Public Presentations:


Film and Television Show Appearances

  • Websites:
  • All accessible from The Mexican Film Resource Page.


    Previous positions:

    Photos (new pics added 8/2016).

    Updated 27 October 2022.

    profile counter myspace