"A Man for Elly"
In this episode, Jed and Jethro have to do the cooking because Granny has become a TV fan. She particularly likes the Western hero "Quirt Manly." Jed and Granny think Quirt would be a good match for the tomboyish Elly May. Quirt is induced to visit the Clampett mansion--in his white convertible limo, complete with a horn that sounds like a horse neighing and two gunshots--but Granny is shocked to discover that "Quirt" (whose real name is Henry) is hardly what he appears on TV (he's actually a little wimp who only has the role because his father is the show's sponsor). Although Elly likes the mild-mannered, poetry-spouting Henry (Henry Gibson, who plays Quirt-Henry, used this as his comic shtick for some time), the disillusioned Granny runs him off at gunpoint.
Meanwhile, Jethro has borrowed Quirt's hat and car and is cruising
through Beverly Hills. His first passenger is Amedee Chabot (billed as
"girl"), who--according to Jethro--jumped into the front seat even though
the car was traveling 30 miles per hour!
"I'd do anything to sit next to Quirt Manly," she tells him. "Don't think you can fool me, I've seen you on television. And I've dreamed of the day when I could get close enough to throw my arms around you and kiss you, my darling Quirt." Jethro protests, "My name is--" but Amedee leans over and kisses him. She then asks "Your name is what--?" and Jethro replies (in an Elvis-sounding voice), "My name is Quirt Manly!"
He proceeds to accumulate a whole carload of female admirers and takes them back to the mansion, but they eventually depart with Elly May's pet chimp, who is dressed in a cowboy outfit.
Amedee Chabot's first "Beverly Hillbillies" appearance is a bit more substantial than her followup role. Her voice sounds a bit unusual, perhaps because I've been conditioned by years of hearing her dubbed dialogue in Mexican cinema.
Trivia note: this episode was first aired on 1 January 1964, and
coincidentally Granny is shown watching a football game on TV.
"The Race for Queen"
The Beverly Hillbillies ep. 55 (5 Feb 64)
In this episode, Granny wants a root cellar dug in the mansion's backyard, but Jethro keeps striking oil when he digs. Meanwhile, the "Queen of Beverly Hills" beauty pageant is coming up. Mr. Drysdale and Miss Jane think Elly May would benefit from participating. Jed and Granny think the "race for Queen" is an actual foot-race to select a (real) Queen of Beverly Hills, and Granny herself considers entering.
In the last sequence, the two finalists are introduced: Miss Jane (representing the bank and replacing the too-attractive bank secretary Candy Davis) and Elly May. The pageant host is Bob Cummings. Oddly enough, the "ceremony" is attended by only about 10 people, and is held by the Clampetts' swimming pool! The drab Miss Jane is obviously not a suitable Queen, but Elly May's speech (about taking her skunk and the rest of her "critters" on the world tour she will win; she also says she hopes Miss Jane is chosen as Queen) costs her the crown. Instead, Cummings selects one of the judges, Karen Crandall (Amedee Chabot).
Amedee Chabot is completely unrecognizable until her character's name is announced: she's wearing black-rim glasses, a suit, and a black hat. When Cummings says she is the winner, there is a big closeup of Amedee looking surprised. She takes off her glasses and suit jacket and Cummings removes her hat, allowing her blonde hair to fall free. Cummings crowns her, and Amedee speaks her only line: "I'm so grateful to Bob--I mean, Mr. Cummings--I mean, the head judge--" She and Cummings then kiss. The episode ends with an irate Granny being restrained by Jed and Jetro as she rants against the judges.
Note: the otherwise very comprehensive book by Stephen Cox on the Beverly Hillbillies does not have Amedee Chabot in the cast listing for this episode, and erroneously credits Kathy Kersh as "Marian Billington," who does not appear. This was Amedee's second, and as far as we know, last role on The Beverly Hillbillies.
TRIVIA NOTE: both of these episodes are available on pre-recorded video in various "Beverly Hillbillies" sets. Curiously, the UAV tapes do not have the original theme song, replacing it on the soundtrack with a very odd-sounding instrumental. According to the tape box, the episodes released by UAV are "public domain"--but not the theme song!
Back to the Amedee Chabot Filmography
Posted 17 May 2000 by David Wilt (dwilt@umd.edu), vid caps added 15 November 2000.