This Web page contains links related to Dairy-L

Graphic created by MooCity.

Instructions in English for subscribing to Dairy-L by e-mail.

Instructions in Spanish for subscribing to Dairy-L by e-mail. Thanks to Diana Cunliffe from Peru for the translation!
Instrucciones en castellano para suscribirse a Dairy-L usando e-mail. Gracias a Diana Cunliffe de Perú por la traducción!

Instructions in English for reducing the number of Dairy-L messages received.

Welcome letter in English for new Dairy-L subscribers containing important usage guidelines.

Instructions in English for searching the Dairy-L archives by either the WWW or e-mail.

Instructions in English for signing off Dairy-L.

Instructions in Spanish for signing off Dairy-L. Thanks to Diana Cunliffe from Peru for the translation!
Instrucciones en castellano para retirarse de Dairy-L. Gracias a Diana Cunliffe de Perú por la traducción!

Suggestions for making the most out of Dairy-L.

The Net: User Guidelines and Nettiquette. Translated into over 10 languages, this WWW site provides good information as to what's expected for new Internet users.

Instructions and information for subscribing to Vacas-L, a Spanish language e-mail discussion group similar to Dairy-L. Dairy-L messages are not translated. These are independent discussions, though many Spanish-English bilingual individuals subscribe to both.

Review the archives of Vacas-L.

Search archives of past Dairy-L messages with WWW software.

Download files stored in association with Dairy-L messages. The file named contents is a description of the files available.

Home pages for Mark Varner, Teresa VanWagner, Warren Gilson and Roger Cady, moderators of Dairy-L. All do things other than Dairy-L, and these home pages contain links to some of those activities. You can also contact them directly via e-mail from links in those pages

This page is maintained by Mark Varner (, Professor and Extension Dairy Scientist at the Univ. of Maryland. Updated 13 August 2002.